Our Chromebooks save all downloads into the student’s LSS Google Drive account. Use of flash drives is disabled on our Chromebooks. This ensures all student files are school-appropriate and are stored in a place that could be accessed from a different Chromebook if needed.
Student accounts do not have the ability to share Google files with users outside the LSS domain - this includes with their own parents. If a parent wishes to see files in their child’s Google Drive, they may sign in with the student’s login credentials. Parent/Guardian may contact the homeroom teacher for that info.
G Suite applications (Documents, Sheets, Slides, Drawings) save student work automatically. If work is done in any other application, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure work is saved.
Work accidentally deleted in a G Suite file can often be recovered using the Version History feature. If a file itself has been deleted, it may be recovered by visiting the trash in that application or could possibly be recovered by the district’s Drive backup solution. Any employee can contact the LSS Technology Department if a student is in need of this assistance.